Changes to Title IX: Department of Education Guidance on Sexual Misconduct Impacts Survivors

September 26, 2017

“Last Friday the Department of Education announced major changes to the guidance on campus response and investigation of sexual misconduct and Title IX violations. The changes are a step backwards and will have real consequences for the students on our college campuses… Educational institutions have an obligation to prevent behaviors that contribute to hostile environments, including sexual assault. Numerous NC colleges and universities have instituted prevention programming and clear standards for response and investigation. Additionally several K-12 institutions have begun to provide training for their Title IX personnel.  NC is not alone; educational institutions across the country recognize that it is not only their obligation to create safe environments free from sexual assault, but it is the right thing to do. Make no mistake, as advocates we will not go backward. We will fight more boldly than ever for the rights of survivors to receive fair treatment.” See NCCASA’s full statement here.]]>