What is STIMS?
STIMS stands for the North Carolina Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit Tracking and Information Management System. STIMS is the “website [which] enables tracking of sexual assault evidence collection kits in the State of North Carolina in compliance with N.C. Gen. Stat. § 114-65, which was enacted into law through Session Law 2018-70 (HB 945).” Click here to go to the kit tracking webpage.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 114-65
"All sexual assault evidence collection kits purchased or distributed under G.S. 143B‑1201 on or after October 1, 2018, shall be trackable and shall comply with the requirements of the System."
What does this statute do for survivors?
The benefits of this statute to survivors are: increased transparency of where their sexual assault kits are; accountability for the state crime lab to test all reported kits to prevent a future backlog; and, to ensure that previously untested kits will be tested as survivors deserve.
What if I reported anonymously?
If a survivor chose to partake in anonymous reporting (AR) the kit can still be tracked with a provided tracking number; however, once it reaches the LESS warehouse it will remain there for at least 1 year or until they decide to report.
Instructions for using STIMS:
Victims of sexual assault can view the history and current status of their sexual assault evidence collection kit by entering the sexual assault evidence kit tracking # in the “serial number” box above and clicking the adjacent search button with the magnifying glass icon (🔍)
Authorized medical providers, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and lab personnel should select “Login” and enter their unique Username and Password to manage the status of sexual assault evidence kits under the jurisdiction of their agency.
STIMS and Advocacy
When providing hospital advocacy to a survivor getting a sexual assault forensic exam (SAFE), keep in mind that this is a very overwhelming time and it’s often hard for those experiencing trauma to remember all the information they’re given. Consider having a flyer, or other form, with a line for the survivor/ advocate/ or hospital staff to enter the tracking number and instructions on where to go and how to track the kit.
We know that not every survivor will choose to have an advocate present during the exam, talk with your hospital about having some of these forms on hand and discuss the benefit of these forms to the survivor once they leave the hospital
Backlogged Kits:

STIMS resources for survivors and advocates
- Survivor/Victim FAQs (English) (Spanish)
- STIMS Instructions for Survivors
- STIMS Introduction