Welcome, Announcements and Land Acknowledgement
Monika Johnson-Hostler, Executive Director at NCCASA, will welcome folks to the 2023 Biennial Conference, “Back to the Future”, as well as provide announcements for the day.
Land Acknowledgment will occur after the introduction.
Lessons in Leadership takes a deep dive into who we are as leaders, and how we became leaders in this movement against sexual violence. Our objective for this workshop is to pause and be in this moment. Looking back to move forward and in the process, LEAD NOW – Noticing our WINS as Leaders!!!!
Olga Trujillo was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder) at the age of 31. Over the past 30 years they have undergone an intense journey to understand what Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is, how they developed it, the impact on their life, and addressed the challenges they faced in healing. In 2011 Olga’s memoir, The Sum of My Parts: A Survivor’s Story of Dissociative Identity Disorder was released by New Harbinger Publications. Since then it’s sold tens of thousands and has been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Spanish. In this workshop, Olga will bring their experience of DID to help participants expand their knowledge from an inside out perspective and explore a lived experience of DID and what this means for your work.
Jacqueline Miller, Director of Racial Equity & Social Change at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, will be facilitating the presentation titled The Four Moments of the Movement. This conversation will engage participants in a series of reflective exercises such as The Nature of Our Movement; How We Won the Mainstream But Lost the Movement; How We Sustained Ourselves through Winter Seasons of the Movement; and Celebrating the Joys of the Axiology of NRCDV’s Transforming the Gender-Based Violence Movement (TGBVM). That’s not all! For a long time, NRCDV has been creating “new” celebrities within our movement by uplifting BIPOC voices. Therefore, we will have a moment of everyone sharing their shine. “You Are Here in This Moment, Now Own It!” Participants will be invited to turn on their cameras, share their shine and brag on themselves right from the seat of their SQUARE! Instructions will be provided by the presenter. We are experiencing another critical time, and this is OUR moment.
With the click of a button, your voice can be shared with millions. Like no other time in
history can a person use their platform to create change, but to be effective advocates at
all levels whether with your neighbors or with government officials, one must understand
a few fundamental principles, including the difference between education, advocacy, and
lobbying. Whether it’s simply retweeting a scholar that shares your point of view or a
funny meme that speaks truth to power, your social media presence can be the catalyst of
change. Want to take your advocacy beyond social media? Additional discussion will
focus on tools and techniques for effective advocacy at the local, state, and federal levels
and how to effectively communicate with elected officials, policy-makers, and their staff
to create better policies and more funding opportunities for sexual assault prevention.
This interactive presentation is part lecture with Jarmichael and Chris, who have been
doing advocacy work together since 2016, and part discussion with the audience to
enhance individuals’ readiness to use their social media platforms to increase awareness
of any social justice issue and educate lawmakers on the issues that matters most to them.
While mainstream agencies labor to be more queer and trans inclusive, queer and trans survivors of color are already organized within our own communities with critical perspectives on harm reduction, survivor care, mutual, aid, and violence prevention. The QTPOC Survivor-Advocates Project is a model for channeling resources traditionally reserved for mainstream victims’ services organizations into the hands of queer and trans survivors of color to fortify and amplify their organizing ability.
The presentation discusses the importance race and what impact is
has on the roles Families Educators and Communities plays in shap-
ing views. Also, how those views shape the attaining and delivering
equitable and high quality services for all communities particularly for
black people with disabilities. Mr. Jones will discuss how the contin-
ued lack of awareness and importance given to policies and practices
that are barriers to true inclusion of people with disabilities.
The mind and body are interconnected. However, societal, cultural and historical stressors and traumas can create disconnection with our mind and body. In this workshop, we will explore how somatic body and mind practices can aid in overall healing, help release tension, reduce stress and connect with self deeply. We will explore some experiential practice throughout the workshop.